Heard some chit chat at the water cooler after lunch today and here are my updated thoughts:
a.) It will rapidly intensify when it reaches the Gulf of Mexico. My "guess" (that's for Mustang Man) is that it will increase to a Category 4 storm by Sunday evening before landfall on Monday. By the time it reaches land it will decrease to a strong Category 2 or light Category 3 storm.
b.) My thought on landfall has not changed. Here is my prediction:
1. Boothville, LA
2. Newton, KS
3. Biloxi, MS
4. Pensacola, FL
5. Cape Hatteras, NC
6. Mobile Bay, AL
I'm off to happy hour to see if I can gather any more info. I should have my next forecast and prediction late tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy weather denizens!!!
I think you may be the only meteorologist, amateur or professional, that has not included the deprived city of New Orleans in the prediction list. I've heard that they might start evacuating citizens on buses as soon as tomorrow. I have not received confirmation from inside sources yet.
Interesting Analysis. As always, I appreciate your insight Eye in the Sky.
Eye in the Sky, once again I appreciate your corcky analysis of the weather. I wish my local meteorologist had your humor and your and your ability to project...dead on.
What is the word on Hannah?
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