Boy, things sure are heating up in the tropics. Just after Tropical Storm Fay's remnants push off to the northeast, it appears that there is another storm following in her footstep's. What does this mean for your work week forecast following Labor Day? It's too early to tell.
Along with other amateur weather aficionado's, I will be keeping my eyes on this storm as it continues it's path across Haiti and Cuba. Gustav will be traversing through mountainous terrain over the next 36-48 hours and stands to weaken considerably. However, the Gulf of Mexico is ripe for intensification when Gustav reenters open water. Water temperatures remain in the mid to upper 80's in much of the gulf and there is very little in the way of wind sheer. Further development is imminent and a U.S. landfall is very likely.
Most meteorologists won't put their nuts on the line and make a prediction this early in the game. I am not most meteorologists though. I have a small weather station and no professional accreditation. My gut feeling tells me that Boothville, LA is under the gun. That is my initial feeling and I will update as I talk to and hear other opinions.
Until tomorrow,
Eye in the Sky
Oh dear, Boothville? That's my hometown. I own a small farm where I raise ophaned alligator snappin' turtles that I sell to local restaurants. I hope this doesn't affect this year's crop.
Finally, someone puts their nuts on the line for me. Thank you Eye in the Sky!!
This is total BS. I don't know who you are, but trying to play weatherman is not a smart idea. This could be a deadly storm and potential for a lot of damage. Boothville my ass. Probably more like Florida
I think you are right on the money. Boothville, I think you are screwed! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!
I like how Mustangman takes a shot at the Eye in the Sky about making predictions, then lofts in his own opinion that it is headed to Florida rather than Boothville. I hope a tree lands on your mustang, and all your denim clothing gets ruined you dope.
This is soo racist of you. Why would you want to harm those innocent people in Boothville. Have they not already experienced enough from Katrina. So Racist...
I'm reporting you to the authorities.
How old are you Lucas? You don't even know me.
As for my original gripe, it blows my mind that bloggers can make uneducated guesses like this. And people actually read this garbage. I can't believe I stumbled upon this crap
Im 36, what of it? You made a guess to0 you nimrod.
Is it more of a mystery to wonder why you stumbled upon this crap or that you actually replied? I obviously don't have a life and like responding to stupid comments, but what's your excuse Stang? Btw, nice pic! I think Eye in the Sky is just doing his patriotic duty to warn the beloved citizens of Boothville, LA.
You going to take that Lucas?
How are you going to call my hard work garbage? I'd like to see you make sketches on Microsoft Paint.
What of it, Lucas? You're acting like a child. Never thought you were 36. And bxm, not sure how you stumbled on this site but don't attack me. Again, this has got to be some pitiful joke. Look at the freakin picture.
Don't quit your day job Weather Burriot.
Listen up Mustang Man, AKA Richard Kersey from Newton,Kansas. Keep it up and Lucas will jack you up. He weighs 190lbs and can do 5 one armed pushups. He demands respect in all areas of his life and you better well know that when he speaks, he means business. You've wondered onto a very important underground site that is controled by a select coalition of traditionally-white males which formed a secret society with enormous influence over local, state, and southern weather. Watch what you say!
Im an immature 36. How am I acting like a child? Just because I know you wear denim on denim and drive a mustang (would have said you had a mullet too if I didnt see your picture), doesn't make me childish. Actually proves I am good at predicting scenarios, much like a meteorologist...
Stang, go sit on a shovel and spin. I am sure that all you do is sit around your house, play atari and check out the latest pics of Miley Cirus. Get a life! War Damn America!
War Damn America, indeed!!!
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